Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Eureka Stockade - 750 Words

Today I will be showcasing why I as a documentary filmmaker would like to make a film on the Eureka Stockade. The Eureka Stockade was the only civil war to occur and was situated in the Ballarat goldfields in Victoria, Australia. The Eureka Stockade took place on the 3rd of December, 1854. The Eureka Stockade itself was about the miners (diggers) fighting for what they believed was right and just. There was over 150 people who fought in this battle but, the main three people are Peter Lalor who was the leader of the diggers, Charles Joseph La Trobe and Sir Charles Hotham who were the governors of Victoria during this time. My pitch will outline why you, the Discovery Channel should help me make a documentary on the Eureka Stockade. There†¦show more content†¦Peter Lalor (10th April, 1855) states: â€Å"†¦the people were dissatisfied with the laws, because they †¦ (put upon) them an odious [hated] poll tax [licence fee]. The diggers were subjected to the most unheard of insults and cruelties in the collection of this tax, being in many instances chained to logs if they could not produce their license. I have often known men to be asked for their license four or five times†¦ a day†¦ The water†¦ in deep (mine shafts causes) †¦ the diggers frequently to change their dress; †¦ they very often leave their licenses behind; †¦ (if) visited by the police, they are dragged, wet and dripping†¦ to the prison, like common felons [criminals].† – (Taken from http://cdnmedia.macmillan.com.au/mea/demoversions/MDL/Contents/SFAH_Eureka.pdf, on the 20th of July, 2017) This primary source reinforces the fact that the miners were not treated as equals but as that of low class. In contrast, a more important outcome of the Eureka Stockade was the miner’s rights. As before miners weren’t seen as being equal to anyone else, especially since a lot of them were immigrants. Though through the rebellion the miners finally received their rights and they were placed on the council to have a voice. These outcomes effected the way Australia would be shaped. The Australian political system has been altered ever since the Eureka Stockade took place. The change that the Eureka Stockade had was one of importance as it lead to Australia

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